華懋慈善行 Chinachem Charity Walk On Eco-tour in Sai Kung

Hakka relic

華懋集團聯同西貢區社區中心主辦西貢首個大型生態活動 -- 「華懋慈善行」,於2011年10月23日帶領超過900人深入西貢,讓參加者有機會欣賞西貢的自然生態,更讓他們直接支持環保。

Chinachem Charity Walk Leads Nearly 900 People On First Large-scale Eco-tour in Sai Kung

The Chinachem Charity Walk started from Pak Tam Chung Nature Trail and offered participants two routes to choose between, depending on their physical ability. At the starting point, there were exhibits on the distinctive religious history and natural environment of Sai Kung. Guides were stationed at four spots along the routes to help participants appreciate Sai Kung's unique ecology and cultural heritage, including the High Island Reservoir, which took eight years to build; and a 200 year-old lime kiln Hakka relic that has been designated for protection. While enjoying the natural beauty of Sai Kung, participants also directly benefited local conservation. Members of the public only need to donate $1 to join the event and all the funds raised (without any expenses deducted) are being donated to WWF-Hong Kong in support of the primary school education programme at their Island House Conservation Studies Centre. Participants who complete the walk will receive a certificate of recognition and a Green Hong Kong 2012 calendar.



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