
Showing posts from September, 2013

Wild Boar found near Lohas Park

將軍澳環保大道近清水灣半島單車徑 ,晚上七時許發生野豬衝出咬人事件,事件中一對五、六十歲男女受傷,警員一度出動盾牌與一米多長野豬對峙,並急召漁護署人員到場協助,經過一輪圍捕後至深夜仍未成功捕捉野豬,至於手腳擦傷男女送院經治理後無大礙。 There is a wild boar that bites two people on the bicycle lane on Wan Po Road near to Lohas Park Road. The victims are 50 and 60 years old. The police officers confront with one meter long wild boar and then request AFCD staff for assistance. The wild boar cannot be caught by midnight.


擁有200多年歷史的南圍,昔日是西貢三大圍村之一,已故藝人成奎安便是此處原居民。從彩虹或將軍澳港鐵站駕私家車約15分鐘即可到達,但因沒有公共交通工具直達,故並非觀光熱點,但也由於遊客罕至,反令保護區成為白鷺、招潮蟹的棲息樂土。 由於沒有公共交通工具直達,當地駕車人士為了方便,平整了很多地方作為停車場。根據城規會文件,政府設立海岸保護區,意向是「保育、保護天然海岸線、具吸引力的地質特色……保留在景觀、或生態方面具高價值的地方,故區內的建築發展,會維持最低水平」,若有任何發展,即使是小型平整工程,都須城規會批准,否則最高可處罰款100萬元。 縱使沒有停車場,在停車地點洗車,污水也會流進紅樹林,影響當地生態 。 Nam Wai is one of the oldest villages in Sai Kung. The area is not a popular sightseeing spot because of lack of public transport. Thus it becomes the protected area for egrets and fiddler crabs. For the same reason, there are lots of uncovered car parks. According to documents of Town Planning Board, the Marine Reserve is set up for protecting the natural seashores and nurturing the ecosystem. Even though Nam Wai is not in the Marine Reserve, proper additional sewage and drainage system is needed to prevent the polluted car-washing water from going into the red wood forest near Nam Wai.