
Showing posts from November, 2011

Snapshots of Hong Kong Design Institute

Hong Kong Design Institute is situated at 3 King Ling Road, Tseung Kwan O, established in 2007. It is a leading design institution in Hong Kong under the VTC Group, providing quality education to cultivate knowledge, professionalism and new talents underpinning the creative industries in Hong Kong. HKDI integrates all design programmes in the former departments in Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) to offer a broad range of programmes from foundation studies, to Higher Diploma, and on to degree programmes offered in collaborations with reputable overseas universities. Programmes offered spanning across areas of visual communication, printing and digital media, industrial and product design, interior and environment design, fashion and textiles, and image design.  

Kids Playhouse

Kids Playhouse is one of venues providing playgroup service conducted in Cantonese and English. It is comfortable and easy for access.

恬靜的書房 The Reading Room

西貢碼頭,悠閒恬靜,一間別緻的書房,帶來寫意的空間。老闆是居住西貢二十五年的Rita McClellan,為本地兒童提供二手圖書。他們還辦幾個英語班。由幼兒園到青少年,無所不包,更堅持小班教學。 Photo Source:  Nesting in Skyscrapers


MCP新都城中心將為將軍澳帶來白色聖誕,商場邀得英國冰雕Hamilton隊伍來港,打造全港首個「冰之夢幻聖誕」的冰雕世界。這個位於商場內的冰雪城中堡只有零下6度,當中更會有冰雕企鵝、北極熊、聖誕鹿和白兔等。  顧客於商場內消費滿200港元以上,就可以進入冰屋內欣賞冰雕商場亦舉行多個活動增加人流,包括將邀請歌手為冰屋揭幕,又招募新人參加全港首個冰雪婚禮,以及請主人和寵物一同參加聖誕節派對等。恆基商場發言人表示,今年新都城斥資逾500萬元舉辦聖誕推廣活動,預計12月聖誕節人流將會有12%至15%的增幅,可達逾700萬人次,生意額亦預期有雙位數字增長。


醫管局在將軍澳醫院成立的白內障中心,今年五月開始運作,中心總監李啟煌說,中心設有兩間手術室,可以輪流交替使用,加快手術流程。他又說,在中心進行的手術成功率高,病人恢復視力的比率高達九成,而手術後出現併發症的比率,不足百分之一。 醫管局期望今後在九龍東聯網進行的白內障手術數目,可以增至每年五千宗,及縮短病人輪候時間至兩年以內。醫管局表示,中心除了為病人提供服務外,也希望可以作為培訓專科人手的基地。

華懋慈善行 Chinachem Charity Walk On Eco-tour in Sai Kung

Hakka relic 華懋集團聯同西貢區社區中心主辦西貢首個大型生態活動 -- 「華懋慈善行」,於2011年10月23日帶領超過900人深入西貢,讓參加者有機會欣賞西貢的自然生態,更讓他們直接支持環保。 Chinachem Charity Walk Leads Nearly 900 People On First Large-scale Eco-tour in Sai Kung The Chinachem Charity Walk started from Pak Tam Chung Nature Trail and offered participants two routes to choose between, depending on their physical ability. At the starting point, there were exhibits on the distinctive religious history and natural environment of Sai Kung. Guides were stationed at four spots along the routes to help participants appreciate Sai Kung's unique ecology and cultural heritage, including the High Island Reservoir, which took eight years to build; and a 200 year-old lime kiln Hakka relic that has been designated for protection. While enjoying the natural beauty of Sai Kung, participants also directly benefited local conservation. Members of the public only need to donate $1 to join the event and all the funds raised (without any expenses deducted) are bei...

Painting exhibition showcases Hong Kong's geological treasure

Hong Kong (HKSAR) - More than 50 paintings depicting Hong Kong Geopark in different artistic styles are now on display at 3/F, iSquare, Tsim Sha Tsui. The art exhibition, organised by the Environment Bureau, features works by students attending the Simply Art art school and members of the Hong Kong (China) Painting Calligraphy for the Aged Study Association. "These paintings cover various aspects of Hong Kong Geopark, including its extraordinary geological features and special local characteristics. Some works depict its proximity to the bustling metropolis, highlighting the uniqueness of our geo-heritage," the Under Secretary for the Environment, Dr Kitty Poon, said during a visit to the exhibition today (November 24). In addition to the exhibition, there is a special area for children to draw images of "their" Hong Kong Geopark on hexagonal paper. Their artworks will be put up on a display board for public viewing. Information on Hong Kong Geopark is a...

西貢官坑村斬人案 警犬尋獲涉案牛肉刀

西貢今日凌晨發生的夫婦被斬案,大批探員下午5時許,到西沙路官坑村進行問卷調查。另外,探員在一警犬協助下,在斬人血案現場附近草叢,尋獲一柄涉案牛肉刀。 一對男子今凌晨偕妻駕車返回公司時,甫下車即被兩名兇徒伏擊,他面部及雙手中刀受重創,妻子護夫亦告受傷,兩人送院搶救。警方現正調查兇徒動機,並追緝其下落。 男傷者40歲姓趙,妻子36歲,現場為西沙路官坑村59號對開,上址是一幢三層高村屋。有村民表示,昨晚11時許,已發現兩名陌生人在村口徘徊,村民好奇望向他們,卻被人怒目相向,相信兩人早有計劃到來行兇。 A couple living in Kwun Hang Village on Sai Sha Road is assaulted by two strangers with beef knife. Those two strangers were found wandering at the entrance for a while.

Tips for Stroller and Wheelchair Users

If you are in Po Lam Station, you should make use the elevator to go upstairs. However, the elevator is not visible in the station because it is outdoor. Try to go out from the exit C and turn right. You may find it far far away. 如果你在寶林地鐵站正在推嬰兒手推車或者輪椅,應該使用升降機。可是,升降機不在站內,而是設於戶外。步出出口C,右轉,升降機就在遠方。

Kids' Square in Po Lam

寶林千色店'兒童廣場' 將於2012年1月開幕。 Kids' Square of Citistore in Po Lam will be open in Jan 2012.


居民終於可以使用坑口文曲里公園,開放時間為6:30-23:00. The park in Man Kuk Lane is open to the public. The service hours are from 6:30 to 23:00. 因水池正在改善,中式花園將於十二月初啟用。 The Chinese Garden will be open in early December due to the improvement work of water pond. 


Zara shop will be in Metro City Plaza, Tseung Kwan O, Sai Kung. 

欠款千餘萬無還 西貢區議員遭申請破產

【本報訊】民建聯西貢區區議員邱戊秀,被指經營小巴公司期間與其他三名董事挪用公司資金,捐款到自己名義贊助的內地小學及購買人壽保險等,今年 7月遭高院裁定違反董事責任,邱等合共四人須賠償公司 1,730萬元。邱疑因無還款,現遭小巴公司入稟申請破產。 邱戊秀接受查詢時回應「會交畀律師處理,可能大家有啲誤會」。邱補充自從法庭頒令他須還款小巴公司後,他已同意於一段時間內還款,至今「差唔多畀晒,差少少尾數」,並強調「律師已經做緊嘢,我哋有責任,我哋係知道」。 破產將失區議員資格 資料顯示,邱戊秀在新一屆區議會選舉中,自動當選西貢白沙灣選區民選議員。究竟民選區議員會否因破產而褫奪公職?政府發言人昨回應,根據《區議會條例》第 24條,如民選區議員是未獲解除破產的人,便會喪失擔任區議員的資格。 申請邱戊秀破產的債權人是西貢( 1、 2號)(專線)小巴有限公司,邱為該公司的前董事。高院法官鍾安德今年 7月下達判詞,指邱等共四名前董事支取的款項,與董事局決議有牴觸,甚至未獲董事局同意,當中包括捐贈綠色專線小巴總商會 3萬元、邱戊秀及成吉祥獲額外 173萬元雙糧和花紅、額外支取 21萬元電話費等。 法官續指,四名前董事辯稱小巴公司以非正規形式運作,部份董事局同意的決定可能沒被記錄,說法並不可信。 案件編號: HCB7227/1 [ 資料來源 :蘋果日報]

Plan to expand the Tseung Kwan O landfill

The Town Planning Board has been urged to defer by one month a consultation session on the government's plan to expand the Tseung Kwan O landfill. District Councillor Christine Fong said opponents of the plan had been given less than a week to digest more than a thousand pages of documents, and that only a small number of them had been given the papers. She accused the Board of holding a fake consultation. About 80 Tseung Kwan O residents staged a protest ahead of the meeting, which will vet the government's proposal to extend the dump site by 13 hectares. The existing landfill will be full soon. 城規會就將軍澳堆填區擴建舉行諮詢會,約80名將軍澳居民會前請願,指會威脅附近居民健康,又不滿城規會在諮詢前不足十日,才向他們發出過千頁的文件,要求將諮詢押後一個月舉行,城規會決定,將諮詢會押後到今個月三十日重開,又指是按既定程序通知及速遞文件予居民,已經即時向居民講解程序,相信到明年四月,可以將計劃交行政會議審議。 View Larger Map


位於將軍澳培成路38號的西貢將軍澳政府綜合大樓( Sai Kung Tseung Kwan O Government Complex )到現在(2011年11月16日)仍然在裝修階段。 根據土木工程拓展署3月份的報告 ,當時工程進度理想,5月可完工,預計2011年下半年可以陸續投入服務。為什麼工程進度到現在才落後?期望他們進快完成。 根據設計,政府綜合大樓內設有體育館(1個可供用作2個籃球場/2個排球場/8個羽毛球場的多用途主場,健身室,乒乓球室,多用途活動室,跳舞室,兒童遊樂室,閱讀角,室內緩跑徑,輔助設施),康文署西貢區地區辦事處,其他聯用部門設施,隸屬民政事務總署的社區會堂和西貢民政事務處辦事處(包括西貢區議會秘書處),還有西貢區環境衛生辦事處。


衞生防護中心10月25日公布,居於西貢的16歲青年確診入侵性社區型耐藥性金黃葡萄球菌( Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infection ),情況穩定。患者以往健康良好,他10月6日左邊大腿出現腫痛,10月9日往將軍澳醫院急症室求醫,同日入院接受治療。他的家居接觸者沒有出現病徵。 病原體 金黃葡萄球菌常見於人體皮膚表面及黏膜中,約有三分之一健康人士的鼻孔內或皮膚上帶有此細菌而沒有感染徵狀。 病菌偶爾會進入人體並引起疾病,例如皮膚感染、傷口感染、食物中毒、尿道發炎、肺炎及菌血症。 大部分抗生素對不同菌株的金黃葡萄球菌均有效用,但一些對甲氧西林產生耐藥性的菌株(稱為耐藥性金黃葡萄球菌),通常亦會對其他常用的抗生素(如盤尼西林及頭孢菌素)產生耐藥性。濫用抗生素普遍被認為是導致病菌出現耐藥性的成因。  一直以來,耐藥性金黃葡萄球菌感染較常見於免疫力較弱的院舍宿友及住院病人身上。 近年來在多個國家中,亦在一些未曾入住醫院或其他醫療設施 / 院舍的健康人士身上出現耐藥性金黃葡萄球菌感染。 這類稱為社區型耐藥性金黃葡萄球菌感染,跟醫院內感染的耐藥性金黃葡萄球菌株相比,兩者各有著不同的耐藥性。 病徵 耐藥性金黃葡萄球菌通常會引起皮膚及軟組織感染,如膿瘡和膿腫、尿道感染及手術後的傷口感染。 部份免疫能力較弱的病人或會出現可致命的併發症,如敗血症。 傳播途徑 病菌主要透過直接或間接接觸到傷口或分泌物、沾污的物件及環境表面等。 其他高危因素包括皮膚上的傷口或導管;使用插入身體內的醫療器具,如尿道導管;人多擠逼的環境;以及個人衞生情況欠佳等。 治理方法 患者經過臨床診斷,如有需要,醫生會根據病菌對不同抗生素的敏感性而處方抗生素。部份皮膚感染如膿腫、膿瘡等則可能需要以開刀引流的方法治理。 預防方法 保持良好的個人衞生。 保持雙手清潔,經常用清水及梘液徹底清潔雙手,或用酒精搓手液揉搓雙手。 避免直接接觸傷口。 傷口應該用防水膠布妥善包紥,並於處理傷口前後小心洗淨雙手。 如有需要處理穢物,應先戴上手套,並於處理完畢後洗手。 避免與別人共用個人物品,如毛巾、剃鬚刀、衣物及制服。 停止濫用抗生素,抗生素應由執業醫生處方使用,而接受處方的病人亦應按處方訂明的劑量及時間完成整個療程。 如出現感染徵狀,...

Schools that offer playgroups

Schools that offer playgroups in Sai Kung District: 1) Garden House Preschool 7 Silverstrand Beach Road, Clearwater Bay, Kowloon Tel: 2358-1177 Fax: 2358-0077 Email: 2) Sai Kung International Preschool 159 Che Keng Tuk Road, Sai Kung Tel: 2791-7354 Fax: 2792-1844 Email: 3) Woodland Sai Kung Pre-School Shop D, G/F, Marina Cove Shopping Centre, Sai Kung Tel: 2813-0290 Fax: 2719-2938 Email : 4) Leapfrog Kindergarten & Playgroup (School Registration No. 564770) 11 Pak Tam Chung Village, Sai Kung Country Park, Sai Kung Tel: 2791 1540 Email: 5) New Song Christian Kindergarten 新界西貢早禾坑早禾路18號早禾居商場 Commercial Area of Floral Villas No 18, Tso Wo Road, Tso Wo Hang, Sai Kung Tel: 2791-2472 Fax: 2791-2477 Email: 6) Antsmart Playgroup B1 Marina Cove Shopping Mall Sai Kung Tel: 2335 1261 Email:  pro@p...

The guy has returned

Photo from LCSD A 31-years-old Chinese guy got lost for 2 days when he was hiking near to the Lady MacLehose Holiday Village in Pak Tam Chung. He has some wounds on the arms and legs and now he has stayed in the TKO Hospital. The search team tried to find him around Ngau Yee Shek Shan (牛耳石山), Wah Mei Shan ( 畫眉山)  and Lui Ta Shek ( 雷打石) . Hiking with companions and equipment like maps and water is always recommended. Once there is any emergency, it is much easy to get support. The area surround by these three mountains with funny names is covered by dense forest. For most of the cases, you may find your way back, otherwise, you should follow the rivers and streams downstream. Even though you may encounter a waterfall in Fatam Stream, it is much more easy for the search team to locate you in the open area. Photo from

The Temple in Old Town

View Larger Map When you walk around in Sai Kung Old Town, you may find the renovated Temple Square in front of the old temple honored Tin Hau (or Mazu named by Taiwanese). She is one of well known goddesses in Chinese communities because she helped fishermen to return home safely. This well preserved temple has served the fishermen for many years. According to the formality in Chinese architecture culture, it is a tiny but a nice temple in typical Lingnan style. The green tiles and china bricks on the roof are decorated with lots of sculptures of deities and famous characters in traditional Chinese novels. The wall paintings pictured the wishes and fortunes. It is worth for you to pay a visit.

Che Kung Temple in Ho Chung

To View the Larger Map The Che Kung Temple at Ho Chung in Sai Kung is believed to be over 460 years old. It could be one of the oldest temple in Hong Kong. It is well worth a visit. According to the Fung Shui, the five hills behind Ho Chung valley look like five tigers rushing to the farmland. The villagers were suggested to build a temple to protect the farmland and villages. The temple honours Che Kung, a great general during the Sung Dynasty (AD 960-1279) who suppressed a revolt in Southern China and was later deified by the Taoist religion. By the end of Sung Dynasty, Che Kung protected the emperor when the royal family tried to settle down in Hong Kong. Unfortunately, Che Kung died of disease and became deity of villagers. Its location, with its Fung Shui woods behind it, the river immediately in front, and its well-preserved traditional design and architecture, make it one of the most auspicious traditional buildings in the New Territories. The narrow ro...

Modification to road works in Sai Kung gazetted

The Government published a notice in the Gazette today (November 11) on the modification to the dualling of Hiram's Highway between Clear Water Bay Road and Marina Cove and improvement to local access to Ho Chung. The works have already been authorised by the Chief Executive in Council. The modification involves the amendment to the limit of the works area for the proposed two-lane two-way access road connecting Hiram's Highway and Ho Chung Road. The modification plan is available for public inspection at the following government offices during office hours: Central and Western District Office, Public Enquiry Service Centre, Unit 5, G/F, The Center, 99 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong Sai Kung District Office, 2/F, Sai Kung Government Offices Building, 34 Chan Man Street, Sai Kung, New Territories District Lands Office, Sai Kung, 3/F, Sai Kung Government Offices Building, 34 Chan Man Street, Sai Kung, New Territories Further enquiries can be addressed to t...

Welcome to the Sai Kung Post

Dear Readers, I am one of residents in Sai Kung District where the western culture meets the local tradition. You can find the top university and many traditional villages. More and more foreigners are living here. It would be interesting to compare between the traditional Chinese culture and the western culture. It is a nice place where you can enjoy the beauty of nature and the energy of city life. In the past decade, the population in Sai Kung District has grown rapidly with the fast town development which brings great impact to the environment. Sustainable development has become a public concern in Hong Kong such as development of the third runway of HKIA. However, the implementation of such balance requires the public wisdom to formulate a principle that is mutually agreed. The Sai Kung Post will share fun facts and monitor progress of public issue on local affairs in this district. Thank you for your attention. The editor of the Sai Kung Post. 各位讀者, 小弟居於西貢。西貢區,...