
Showing posts from 2012

8th Seminar on Hong Kong Autonomy Movement

香港自治運動講座 (8) 「管治香港 : 民生與本土 」 講者 : 毛孟靜  范國威  主持 : 陳雲 將於 2013年1 月13日 (日) 3: 30 - 6 : 00 pm 地點:九龍塘聯福道34號  香港浸會大學逸夫校園 林護國際會議中心地下 WLB104 夏利萊夫人演講廳 Governance of Hong Kong - Living and Localization Speakers: Claudia Mo and Gary Fan Host: Chin Wan Date: 13 Jan 2013 Time: 15:30 - 18:00 Venue: WLB104 Shaw Campus Hong Kong Baptist University Reserve seats by sending email to addressing yourself and contact number.

Tseung Kwan O Stadium

將軍澳運動場的草地質素已見改善,而這個球場更有質素保證。 The grass in the football field in Tseung Kwan O Stadium has been improved. The quality is assured for football matches.

Winter solstice

Winter solstice is very important to Chinese families. All family members would have a nice dinner together in the day with the shortest day time. The chickens and pork, that were expensive in the old days become the main dishes. Tangyuan or glutinous rice dumplings with sweet soup are served pair by pair after dinner. It means that all members can be together.


環保署在今年首11個月,接獲將軍澳堆填區異味投訴數字,較去年全年增加7成達1932宗,而去年全年則有1120宗,投訴數字在過去4年不斷上升。 環境局局長黃錦星書面回覆議員提問時表示,當局自2010年7月聘請理工大學作獨立氣味巡查,結果顯示堆填區的運作,沒有影響附近的環境,而環保署...

Tiu Keng Leng Park will be divided

Tiu Keng Leng Park will be divided by a 6-meter wide road which will be connected to the Tseung Kwan O-Lam Tin Tunnel . The usability of the park will be reduced .

Gary Fan of Neo Democrats (No 12 in NT East)

Neo Democrats, as a political organization founded in Hong Kong which has joined the local social movement actively, has several missions. First of all, they build up a network for civic society such that all parties can participate with equal opportunities in order to make equal policies to balance the interest of stakeholders, to make Hong Kong to be a city of equality, democracy, rule of law, freedom and happiness. They regard all public policies are so important that human rights and public interests are involved. Therefore the making of public policies must be open and fit to citizens' needs. All citizen can participate it and have equal rights to express their opinions. Since 1997, there were three crisis in the international financial market, two times for the central government of PRC to elaborate the existing articles in the Basic Law of Hong Kong, a demonstration of 0.5 million Hong Kong citizens against the rushing legislation of Article 23. The status o...

Urgent! Please help cleaning up the Pellets

Hereunder is a message from DB Green. We have asked for as much help as possible from the government and the community to help us remove these plastic pellets from the beach.  The government has really stepped up their efforts and is concentrating the bulk of their manpower on the 2 areas that have the highest concentration of loose pellets and are inaccessible to most people.  There are also the usual government cleaning teams that are deployed to maintain the patrolled beaches.  They should have been briefed on cleaning up protocol but if anyone sees otherwise, please can you contact me so we can speak with the relavent department involved. So here is the ‘How To’ guide for you. Pellets on the sand are the easiest to remove just after high tide. The sand will be firm and once the beach dries out a little, the pellets can be easily swept off with a dustpan and brush. There are still a lot of beaches where the pellets are floating on the surface near the sh...

The demo area in Hong Kong today

It is a big joke made by Hong Kong Government.

Some Hiking Trails in Sai Kung District

View Hiking Trails in a larger map

Beaches in Sai Kung District

View Beaches in Sai Kung District in a larger map

福民花園 Fuk Man Garden

福民花園以「船舶」為主題,園內設有一艘三十米長的巨型帆船,和一座八米長的龍舟雕塑;這個獨特的設計令福民花園成為西貢區的新地標。 Constructed under the theme “Ship”, Fuk Man Garden features a 30-metre-long giant sailing ship and an 8-metre-long dragon boat sculpture. This unique design has made Fuk Man Garden a new landmark in Sai Kung.

Kill or neuter?

Animal activists proposed the Hong Kong Government to neuter, vaccinate and re-release unclaimed dogs into the community. Condemning the catch-and-kill policy as ‘inhumane and ineffective’, animal welfare organizations are calling for the adoption of a ‘trap, neuter and return’ (TNR) policy, whereby stray dogs can be captured, de-sexed, vaccinated and returned to the communities. “We do not believe that [catch-and-kill] is a humane way of controlling [the stray dog] population. It doesn’t work, because the remaining dogs will just breed and fill the gap ,” says Dr Jane Gray, chief veterinary surgeon of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. “The key is de-sexing them so they have a stable population and limited breeding, and eventually the population will go down.” [ Timeout ] However, from the technical point of view on population control, neuter does not work because the remaining dogs will just breed and fill the gap . I just wonder late neuter may introduce ...


今日是母親節,大家都同母親慶祝。坑口各村趁今日舉行鄉村文化展覽,包括舞麒麟,婚嫁儀式,山歌,介紹方言的講座。 Today is Mother's Day. Every child would celebrate it with mother. 18 villages of Hang Hau have organized an exhibition on their traditional culture and custom, including qilin dancing, wedding ceremony, traditional folk songs and introduction to their own dialect.

The New Sai Kung Sports Center

The new Sai Kung Sports Center is located in Pui Shing Garden, Hang Hau. It is open to public since 2012. However, the construction and decoration work has not yet finished such as the cover and outer wall at the front entrance. The new sports center is part of new government complex with as-cast finish concrete walls, which is a popular element in modern architecture. However, vertical garden which help outdoor air quality and reduction of heat absorption of the building have not yet implemented.

Popcorn in Tseung Kwan O

受自由行及通脹帶動,零售市場持續暢旺。連接將軍澳港鐵站的新商場、位於新地(0016)天晉的基座「Popcorn」,即將於今年3月試業。港鐵投資物業主管梁羨靈表示,商場第1期的100個舖位已全數租出,租金料創將軍澳區新高指標。 梁羨靈指出,該商場總樓面約40餘萬方呎,1期佔約20萬方呎,已租出全數舖位;商場中約有四分一樓面面積屬於化妝品專區,已引入多個首次進駐區內的國際品牌,當中包括「Agnes b」等,並設有一個具800個座位的戲院。 Agnes b首進駐將軍澳區 她又指,現時區內欠缺大型商場,故「Popcorn」將受到區內及區外客歡迎,並以年輕中產為目標客戶群;2期則於今年年中開始招租。 她又指出,港鐵旗下12個商場,去年人流共錄得3.5億人次,創歷年新高;去年營業額亦比2010年上升4成,租金亦錄得雙位數字升幅。 Popcorn is the name of a shopping mall next to Tseung Kwan O station. The mall will be open in March. A cinema with 800 seats will be available.


傑志主場出擊誓響亞協盃頭炮!亞協盃F組賽事於3月7日晚上8時假將軍澳運動場拉開帷幕,傑志主帥甘巴爾賽前表示知道對手也是一支以攻代守的球隊,一場華麗的對攻戰,作為傑志今屆亞協盃之旅的起點,以最擅長的「巴塞」式進攻取得勝利。門票分收60元、長者及學生特惠票20元兩種。 最後傑志在首場亞協分組賽在3:1輕勝新加坡的淡賓尼,順利打響頭炮。 上半場3分鐘,林嘉緯右路傳中,遠柱的梁子成扣定後起腳,皮球應聲入網,球隊領先1:0。之後陳文輝的近射太正,被門將輕鬆接實。20分鐘,客軍憑阿里的頭鎚追平。33分鐘,梁子成在禁區內被門將拉跌,傑志獲得十二碼。可惜佐廸宴客,雙方上半場只能踢成1:1。 換邊起傑志加強中場壓迫,搶得主動權。17分鐘,盧均宜搶得對手的腳下球後即右路傳中,伏兵遠柱的梁子成於混戰中射入。4分鐘,佐迪接應林嘉緯的直線傳送,突破越位後入球破網,為傑志鎖定勝局。 賽後佐迪感謝隊友的支持,尤其在他射失十二碼時仍鼓勵他。他亦慶幸自己將功補過,透過入球協助球隊力克對手,全取三分。 傑志3:1淡賓尼(半場1:1) 入場人數:1,314 購票人數:1,213 門券收入: $38,700 入球球員:(傑志) 梁子成3’,62’、佐廸66’;(淡賓尼) 阿里20’ 出場陣容1. 王振鵬 [GK];2.列斯奧(72’ <---> 14. 劉全昆);3.丹尼;5. 列文;7. 朱兆基[C];9. 梁子成(80’ <---> 21. 曾錦濤);10. 林嘉緯;12. 盧均宜;13. 陳文輝(46’ <---> 22. 羅志焜);18. 佐廸19. 黃洋 黃牌:(傑志) 林嘉緯29';(淡賓尼) 哈迪18’、戴雲32’、碧斯高86’

Paper Sculpture in East Point City

There is an exhibition on paper sculpture to celebrate the Lunar New Year.

The Kitchen God of Chinese

The Chinese New Year is on 23 Jan 2012. It is one of the traditional Chinese festivals that most of Chinese still treasure it. They would clean up and tidy up their house on the 28th day of 12th  month in the lunar calendar (21 Jan 2012). It is believed the cleaning sweeps away the bad luck of the preceding year and makes their homes ready for good luck. The Buddhist or Taoist families would clean the home altars and statues thoroughly. Before the cleaning, on 24th day of 12th month, they also hold a ceremony for gratitude to the kitchen god who is the recorder of family functions, reporting to the Jade Emperor. They often offer sweet foods to bride the kitchen god.

Two Fires in 9 Days in front of the Same Mansion

( There were two cars being set on fire within 9 days at the front gate of a mansion at 281 Clear Water Bay Road. The mansion belongs to the daughter of director of Carrian Group. Source:

2 bombs found by HKP

On 25 Dec 2011, Hong Kong police disposed of a mortor bomb of  45cm long in  Port Shelter Firing Range , Sai Kung.  3 days ago, HKP had disposed of a suspected World War II bomb Thursday after it was found near a popular hiking trail days ahead of the 70th anniversary of the fall of the city to the Japanese. A spokeswoman said the bomb was found Wednesday near the Wilson Trail between Stanley and Repulse Bay on the south of Hong Kong island, where allied forces fought the Japanese in the Battle of Hong Kong. "Based on our initial investigations, it's a bomb but we can't confirm if it's from the World War II era," she told AFP, adding it had been "disposed of". Allied forces defending the former British colony surrendered to the Japanese on Christmas Day, 1941 after more than two weeks of fierce fighting. -AFP/ac