Gary Fan of Neo Democrats (No 12 in NT East)

Neo Democrats, as a political organization founded in Hong Kong which has joined the local social movement actively, has several missions. First of all, they build up a network for civic society such that all parties can participate with equal opportunities in order to make equal policies to balance the interest of stakeholders, to make Hong Kong to be a city of equality, democracy, rule of law, freedom and happiness.

They regard all public policies are so important that human rights and public interests are involved. Therefore the making of public policies must be open and fit to citizens' needs. All citizen can participate it and have equal rights to express their opinions.

Since 1997, there were three crisis in the international financial market, two times for the central government of PRC to elaborate the existing articles in the Basic Law of Hong Kong, a demonstration of 0.5 million Hong Kong citizens against the rushing legislation of Article 23. The status of international city of Hong Kong is deteriorated. Many elected and appointed in district councils and legislation councils are undercover from the central government. These people help to favour the business monopolies in Hong Kong such that to maintain the good stability of the controlling power. Voting for the real democrats can help monitoring government and can avoid transfer of interest.

The political reform in 2009 expands the functional constituency which cannot align the modernization of political system in civic society. Such political lag can only be solved by democratization and universal suffrage.

Even though the environmental assessment of development projects of Hong Kong Government can mitigate the impact to the environment and also promote the sustainable development, social impact assessment is omitted all the time. Therefore, the heritage, traditional culture and villages of Hong Kong was wiped out easily such as the relocation of Queen's Pier.

Under the globalization, the Hong Kong economy is monopolized by big business groups like property developers which controls so many lands in both urban and rural areas. They also control the telecommunication industry, retail industry, public utilities, etc. The SMEs cannot keep their profit because of the high rise of rent. They become helpless as the minority groups.

Global warming is a big concern. Green living should be promoted and supported by the policies. They proposed to establish the Council of Management of Subways and Highways which will buy all the harbour tunnels which can relieve the traffic congestion by adjusting the toll fee. This council can collect money by issuing bonds or securities. The Neo Democrats would urge the government to improve the pedestrian passageways and cycling tracks.

The Neo Democrats also propose to set up a Environmental Protection Fund to buy the private lands which are in the areas of high ecological value. They would urge the government to extend the buffer area around the Marine Park in Hoi Ha Wan. The financial aid to upgrade the existing vehicles to new emission standard should be provided. Triage of domestic waste and recycling industry must be promoted by regulation on recycling, packaging, product labeling and even the reserved area in real estates.

The Legislation Election 2012 will be 9 September from 7:30 am to 10:30 pm.
I will vote for the Neo Democrats (No12 in NT East, the team of Fan, Gary Kwok Wai)

Let all citizens to enjoy a green and happy life in a equal and free city.



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