Six yellow seahorses are found

Six yellow seahorses belonging to the same species are found to be active in the eastern waters of Hong Kong, but two other species are now missing, says an Ocean Park study.

The park's Conservation Foundation conducted a year-round survey of the fascinating creatures last year and discovered one male and five female seahorses belonging to the same species, Hippocampus kuda.

Two other species, the three-spot seahorse and the great seahorse, which were discovered in a 2010 survey, could not be located.

"We are still searching for the other two species, but it is too early to say whether they have disappeared from Hong Kong waters or not," said principal investigator Shadow Sin Ying-tung.
"Seahorses live in shallow tropical and temperate waters and hide themselves in mangroves, seagrass beds, corals reefs and estuaries. It is not easy for us to spot them," Sin said.

The foundation hired 12 divers to inspect 31 locations, and all the seahorses they found were observed at two diving sites in Sai Kung between November 2011 and April last year.
They also found three new fish species - flagfin prawn goby, emperor angelfish and humpnose big-eye bream.

Later this year, the foundation will kick off the second part of the study to look into their habitats.
A non-invasive external collar tag measuring 3 centimeters to 5cm will be attached to each seahorse by a thin and soft cord.

"They will be monitored for an in-depth study of their site fidelity, survival and growth," Sin said.
"The greatest risks they face are fishing and environmental damage. We hope to educate the public and share whatever data we may collect with the government," she said.
The yellow seahorse is listed as vulnerable in the Red List of Threatened Species of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

The foundation says Hong Kong imports 7,000 kilograms of dried seahorses each year, of which 80percent are from Thailand.







Hippocampus kuda, also known as the common seahorse, estuary seahorse, or yellow seahorse is a member of the family Syngnathidae (seahorses and pipefishes] of the order Syngnathiformes. The common sea horse is a small, equine-like fish, with extraordinary breeding methods. Greeks and Romans believed the seahorse was an attribute of the sea god Poseidon/Neptune, and the seahorse was considered a symbol of strength and power. Europeans believed that the seahorse carried the souls of deceased sailors to the underworld - giving them safe passage and protection until they met their soul's destination. The common seahorse is considered a vulnerable species.

Source of Photo: Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, R.O.C.


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