將軍澳食水變黃 The tap water turned yellow

【太陽報專訊】【本報訊】將軍澳食水變黃引發居民超市搶水。昨午四時許,富康花園、尚德邨、健明邨等多個屋苑,有居民發現食水混濁不堪,部分更變黃,更傳出有供水喉爆裂及暫停食水供應的消息,大批居民紛紛到附近超市搶購樽裝水,令區內一度出現「食水荒」。 將軍澳廣場的華潤萬家超市,貨架上的平價樽裝水被搶購一空,僅留下貴價樽裝水無人問津。富康花園居民林先生指,因食水變黃,不敢用作煮飯,沖涼也有顧慮,需到附近運動場洗澡。 水務署發言人表示,由於調景嶺配水庫有水掣損毀,署方需關掣搶修,完成後重新開喉供水時,沖走喉管內的沉澱物,因此食水才會出現混濁。 沉澱物主要是熟石灰,對人體無害,但為安全計,署方已派員到區內街頭消防栓排水,將混濁物排清。

The tap water turned yellow in Tsueng Kwan O on 25 May. The residents in the estates near Tsueng Kwan O station had found that the tap water problem around 4pm. They worried the water quality and rushed to supermarkets to buy bottle water. The Water Supply Department found that the stopcock of the reservoir in Tiu Keng Leng have to be fixed afterwards. Even though the main substance of those precipitate is soda lime which is harmless to health, it is recommended to flush the water pipe by letting the water run for a while.


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