
Showing posts from December, 2012

8th Seminar on Hong Kong Autonomy Movement

香港自治運動講座 (8) 「管治香港 : 民生與本土 」 講者 : 毛孟靜  范國威  主持 : 陳雲 將於 2013年1 月13日 (日) 3: 30 - 6 : 00 pm 地點:九龍塘聯福道34號  香港浸會大學逸夫校園 林護國際會議中心地下 WLB104 夏利萊夫人演講廳 Governance of Hong Kong - Living and Localization Speakers: Claudia Mo and Gary Fan Host: Chin Wan Date: 13 Jan 2013 Time: 15:30 - 18:00 Venue: WLB104 Shaw Campus Hong Kong Baptist University Reserve seats by sending email to addressing yourself and contact number.

Tseung Kwan O Stadium

將軍澳運動場的草地質素已見改善,而這個球場更有質素保證。 The grass in the football field in Tseung Kwan O Stadium has been improved. The quality is assured for football matches.

Winter solstice

Winter solstice is very important to Chinese families. All family members would have a nice dinner together in the day with the shortest day time. The chickens and pork, that were expensive in the old days become the main dishes. Tangyuan or glutinous rice dumplings with sweet soup are served pair by pair after dinner. It means that all members can be together.


環保署在今年首11個月,接獲將軍澳堆填區異味投訴數字,較去年全年增加7成達1932宗,而去年全年則有1120宗,投訴數字在過去4年不斷上升。 環境局局長黃錦星書面回覆議員提問時表示,當局自2010年7月聘請理工大學作獨立氣味巡查,結果顯示堆填區的運作,沒有影響附近的環境,而環保署...