西貢老酒家結業 Traditional Chinese Restaurant Closes

From Open Rice

The Sai Kung Wing Wo Seafood Restaurant (西貢永和海鮮酒家) is closed. Wing Wo has served Sai Kung for 41 years without 10% service charge and has earned the loyalty of patrons. Many hikers do love the traditional dim sum like Big Bun filled with Chicken Ball (雞球大包) and Quail Egg Dumplings (鵪鶉蛋燒賣).

As said by the general manager who has been working for 38 years, the banquet bookings can last for several months in the peak seasons. The international movie stars like Chow Yun Fat and Tony Leung Chiu-wai would like to have meals there from time to time because the Shaw's Studio and ATV studio are very closed.

Source: Apple Daily


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